with a thankful heart

with a thankful heart print

via shannon kirsten

This time of year I’m reminded to keep up my running gratitude list.

Here are a few of the things I’m grateful for at the moment…

Sunshine on my face.

The weather lately.

The ages of both of my boys right now.

Hearing Tuck, over play-doh with Wes, say “I like you Wes-ah-ley”

hot showers, warm baths.

The feeling of wanting to come home.

My family

JBs kind heart

thrift shop scores.  cheap thrills are my favorite.

God’s unending Grace

sun shining on the river around 1pm – that glisten is beautiful.

friends who are always there for me

bougainvilleas back in bloom in my yard

yoga pants

tucks school picture

watching the boys play outback right next to each other, covered in dirt.

the way wes stomps and goes wild when we’re at the park and the choo choo crosses the river

everything bagels

wes saying “pweeeease” when he wants to eat, and “tank you” umprompted … he also roars at people, so. balance (;

to name a few!  How about you?



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