praise for ordinary days

from yesterday…

There’s laundry I should be doing, and a playroom that looks like a bomb dropped.  But I’m writing instead because two babies are down, and I’m a little giddy over this ordinary day.  Nothing out of the usual happened.  The morning was quiet.  After Wesley’s nap, we picked up gifts for Tucks teachers for teacher appreciation week.  Though it always does feel good to give something unexpected.  We picked up tuck and had lunch, and we went to see my grandma.  We picked up a cannoli to share, at this authentic little italian spot where the chef has just been in the states a few years.  On the way home tuck said “please keep my cannoli safe!!”, though what I think he means is safe from Wesley.  I had to laugh.  We made water balloons and they toted them all over the backyard, and stopped occasionally to throw one on the ground.  They haven’t yet figured out about throwing these at each other.  Thankfully.  I watched them both play in the sandbox happily together.  I turned on the sprinkler toy so they could run through it.  An hour later, I didn’t mind that they were covered in dirt and that I was too.  I put them in a bath and they played some more.  Tuck kept putting the bubbles on top of Wesley’s head and proudly proclaiming: “Wes has hair!!”.  I put them in jammies, and now they are asleep for nap.  At the same time.   Angels are singing.  But even before they were asleep, I was just watching them in the bath.  Thinking.  How grateful I am for these ordinary moments.  These days that all seem to blur together somehow, and go too soon at the same time.  No one is sick.  How often do I take that for granted?  I’m suddenly aware of just how much I do, as soon as they are sick, but rarely before.  It’s funny because in this age we all live for those big moments – the facebook/instagrammable ones, the vacations, the whatever-holiday-it-is family photo … But these plain happy moments and days carry as much gold as the others.  maybe more.  I’m thinking now how often I have days that look like today, and too often I look at that gift horse in the mouth.  Miraculously, not today.  Tomorrow might feel impossible but today I’m so thankful for this ordinary day.

Hope all of the mother’s (the ones with babies, the ones who have lost babies, the one who long for babies of their own, the ones who mother my children alongside me) have a very special weekend!  You are loved.  

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