Letter to Tuck // Vol 14 // Happy First Birthday Darling Boy!

Hi Tuck,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY you sweet thing.  you are every good word I could ever come up with.

One of the million things I love about you – about babies in general – is how you pretty much love everybody.  It doesn’t matter how pretty someone is or if they are old as the hills with so many wrinkles they look like a shar pei.  You don’t care about how many followers someone has, or money in their bank account.  It’s truly a peek into how God wants us to behave.  It’s like babies know who has warmth in their heart and they are drawn to that.  and that alone.  So thanks for teaching me that, and how you continue to teach me that every time we are anywhere together.

 It truly is bittersweet for me, this day.  I wish I could tell you I’m very brave and it doesn’t bother me a bit and I fully enjoy every moment … like you always are.  But I haven’t mastered it yet.  Your father though – total master of enjoying the moment and just living gratefully for every second he has.  He is always telling me that – that’s why life is so beautiful. every moment only comes ONCE!  It wouldn’t be that way if we could relive everything…
So listen to your dad (:  do as he does!

thanks for spreading joy every where you go.  thanks for changing my heart and priorities.  continue, please.  thanks for revealing Gods heart to me.

You are my greatest accomplishment.

I love you so much, you adorable toddler.

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