christmas morning : a truck for tuck

Christmas Morning was easily one of the best of my life.  i alerted my whole family that tuck was up!  At 7:15 they started to arrive and Tuck was like THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME.  some of my fave people in my home!!!  and he hadn’t seen the presents yet!  but then he did… oh and he LOVED his truckie.  We did some spoiling but nothing like my mama who has quiiiiite the affection for toys.  We headed over to JB’s parents for a delicious brunch and more spoiling. And that was all before noon!  the rest of the day was filled with naps and my mamas southern cooking for dinner.  I feel so blessed and have much to be thankful for; most of all on Christmas and every day – that our Savior was born.  A light to light up the world!  …
i can’t wait for Tuck to really GET that one day.  (:  

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