5 months // and a note to myself in twenty years

my baby is five months old today!  the range of emotions i feel by just simply typing that cannot be properly expressed here. or anywhere.  besides inside my heart.  i’m constantly amazed by this little person.  he is such a good natured human.  he’s taken to laughing, and will go “ha…. ha…. ha….ha” while he’s in his johnny jump up.  he’s starting to develop more of a personality, though in my mommy mind i thought he had one from day one.  the things he finds hilarious just about kill me dead.  each day – though some more challenging than others is a gift.  he is the greatest blessing.  and i treasure him at every stage. He is every good thing from above rolled into one tiny little person. 

yesterday i had a conversation with a nice woman and it’s the sort of conversation i have with lots of nice strangers i meet as a new mom.  All of these conversation have one thing in common “just wait… until he’s a teenager!”  “just wait… until he bangs his head on every corner” “just wait until he can talk back to you!  muahahaha” … to which i always just smile.  and try to be graceful.   and scratch my head … this is what you say with your two minutes of meeting a new mom?  my mother in law has said every stage is the best.  and i agree.  of course this parenting thing is no rose garden all of the time.  Every good thing in this life has its moments.  but it is still good.  undoubtedly so.

when i’m an old vet of a mom and i meet a new mom… i hope i say JUST WAIT until he kisses you, says i love you, throws a baseball with his dad, picks you wildflowers, you watch as he understands Gods Grace, graduates … all of those big and little things.  i truly cannot wait.  but i am enjoying the moment. 

 i’ll enjoy him as he is right now, this second, and tomorrow and the next day…. but i can’t help but look forward too!

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